Summary of Muro-ji
Muro-ji is (室生寺) a Shingon sect temple in Uda, Nara, Japan.
The scene where a lot of Buddha statues including Shaka Nyorai, which is enshrined in Kondo, lined up is magnificent.
Autumn leaves are best view about the end of November. Cherry blossoms are best view about the beginning of April.
In autumn, special night visit will be held.
Open hours
9:00 to 16:00 (from Dec. 1 to Mar. 31)
8:30 to 17:00 (from Apr. 1 to Nov. 30)
Entrance fee
600 yen
Japanese website http://www.murouji.or.jp/
Photographs of Muro-ji
Click the photo to enlarge.

Niomon (Gate of Deva King)
July 2013

Kondo (Main Hall)
July 2013
Kondo is designated as a national treasure.

Goju-no-to (Five-storied Pagoda)
July 2013
Goju-no-to is designated as a national treasure.
Map around Muro-ji
Click here to check and reserve top hotels in Nara on “agoda”.
Directions to Muro-ji
From Kintetsu Muroguchi-Ono station
Nara kotsu bus Muroguchi-Ono Sta. -(14 minutes)- Muroji
(Route 43, bound for Muroji)
2 minutes walk after getting off