Directions to Anraku-ji
Click below links to catch directions to Anraku-ji in detail on map.
From JR Kyoto station
Kyoto city bus Kyoto Sta. -(40 minutes)- Kinrin shako-mae
(Route 5, bound for Ginkakuji temple via Heian-jingu shrine)
8 minutes walk after getting off
Kyoto city bus Kyoto Sta. -(39 minutes)- Kinrin shako-mae
(Route 17, bound for Ginkakuji temple)
8 minutes walk after getting off
From Keihan Sanjo station
Kyoto city bus Sanjo Keihan-mae -(15 minutes)- Kinrin shako-mae
(Routes 5, bound for Ginkakuji temple via Heian-jingu shrine)
8 minutes walk after getting off
From Hankyu Kawaramachi station
Kyoto city bus Shijo Kawaramachi -(22 minutes)- Kinrin shako-mae
(Routes 5, bound for Ginkakuji temple via Heian-jingu shrine)
8 minutes walk after getting off
Kyoto city bus Shijo Kawaramachi -(19 minutes)- Kinrin shako-mae
(Routes 203, bound for Ginkakuji temple via Gion)
8 minutes walk after getting off
Kyoto city bus Shijo Kawaramachi -(24 minutes)- Kinrin shako-mae
(Routes 17, bound for Ginkakuji temple)
8 minutes walk after getting off
Kyoto city bus Shijo Kawaramachi -(22 minutes)- Minamidacho
(Routes 32, bound for Ginkakuji temple via Heian-jingu shrine)
5 minutes walk after getting off
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