Summary of Himeji Castle
Himeji Castle (姫路城) is in Himeji, Hyogo, Japan.
It is registered as a World Heritage Site. Tenshu (Castle keep) is designated as a national treasure.
Autumn leaves are best view about from the middle to the end of November. Cherry blossoms are best view about the beginning of April.
In spring and autumn, special night visit will be held.
Open hours
9:00 to 17:00 (Last Entry 16:00 from Sep. 1 to Apr. 26)
9:00 to 18:00 (Last Entry 17:00 from Apr. 27 to Aug. 31)
Entrance fee
1000 yen
Japanese wensite http://www.city.himeji.lg.jp/guide/castle.html
Photographs of Himeji Castle
Click the photo to enlarge.

Tenshu (Castle keep)
May 2009
Tenshu is designated as a national treasure.

Tenshu (Castle keep)
May 2009

Tenshu (Castle keep)
March 2019
Map around Himeji Castle
Click here to check and reserve top hotels in Himeji, Hyogo on “agoda”.
Directions to Himeji Castle
Click below links to catch directions to Himeji Castle in detail on map.
From JR Himeji station
Shinki bus Himeji Sta. (North) -(4 minutes)- Himejijo-otemonmae
(Route 3, bound for Daijudai or Himejidokkyo Univ.)
6 minutes walk after getting off
Shinki bus Himeji Sta. (North) -(4 minutes)- Himejijo-otemonmae
(Route 8, bound for Mt. Shosha ropeway)
6 minutes walk after getting off